| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
equipment. If necessary to ensure adequacy of lower torso restraint during
ejection, powered lower torso restraint mechanisms shall be used. Shoulder restraint take-up mechanism. The inertia-lacking
shoulder harness take-up device shall have a powered retraction feature to
automatically place the ejection seat occupant in the best position for
withstanding the loads specified in The device shall be in accordance
with MIL-D-81514. Powered retraction shall be commenced immediately upon
ejection initiation in a manner that shall ensure effective restraint. The
shoulder harness bearing point on the ejection seat assembly shall be located
so that the angle between the aircrewmember's mid-axillary line and the line
the shoulder harness makes to the shoulder harness bearing surface on the
aircrewmember's shoulder shall be as shown in figure 2. In those ejection
seat assemblies in which the ejection seat adjustment is accomplished by
means of independent movement of the ejection seat structure, the location
of the ejection seat shoulder harness bearing point shall be determined by the
sitting shoulder height and sitting eye height of the minimum specified
population aircrewmember with the aircrewmember's eyes at the design eye
position. In those ejection seats in which the ejection seat adjustment is
accomplished by means of movement of the entire ejection seats, the location
of the ejection seat shoulder harness bearing point shall be determined by the
sitting shoulder height and sitting eye height of the maximum specified
population aircrewmember with the aircrewmember's eyes at the desiqn eye level.
In addition, the shoulder restraint system shall provide lateral restraint
of the ejection seat occupant. A manual lock and unlock control in accordance
with MIL-D-81514 for the take-up mechanism shall be provided on the left
side of the ejection seat and shall move forward to lock and aft to unlock.
It shall be protected from being stepped upon or shall be capable of being
stepped upon by a maximum specified anthropometric aircrewmember wearing
full personal flight gear without sustaining damage that would degrade its
subsequent operation or cause subsequent injury to the ejection seat occupant
or damage to the aircrewmember's personal protective garments or survival
equipment. The desiqn and placement of the control shall ensure positive,
simple, and rapid operation of the control by the aircrewmember. Limb restraint subsystem. The limb restraint subsystem shall
automatically restrain the aircrewmember's arms and legs prior to the ejection
seat-aircrewmember combination entering the airstream. The limb restraint
subsystem shall prevent flailing of the limbs for all dynamic pressures
resulting from ejection within the escape envelope specified in 3.3.2. The
forces exerted upon the aircrewmember for limb restraint shall not be injurious
to the aircrewmember. The limb restraint shall be automatically released
during the seat and aircrewmember separation phase of the ejection sequence.
In addition, the limb retention system shall also be released by the manual
release handle. Manual release handle. A manual release handle shall be provided
on the right-hand side of the ejection seat. The manual release handle shall
perform dual functions. On a non-ejected seat, it shall release the restraint
system and safety the ejection seat assembly to preclude inadvertent actuation
of the propulsion subsystem or pre-ejection functions. For this function,
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