| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
The angular limits specified above shall be maintained
throughout the time interval from recovery parachute canopy
line stretch to recovery parachute canopy first full open.
The measurement and interpretation of these angles shall
comply with data and instrumentation requirements of the
d. Decelerate the aircrewmember and ejection seat assembly
combination to the speed required for safe parachute canopy
deployment. Deceleration and transition loading shall be
applied in a uniform and continuous manner.
e. Limit control and deceleration loads imposed on the aircrew-
member to ensure that the vector sum of such loadings (when
measured along each of the three axes in figure 5) does
not exceed the maximum allowable loads of table I.
f. Throughout its sequence of operations, deploy its elements
in a free and clear trajectory path. Insure that the deployed
elements clear the rocket exhaust plumes and that load carrying
members are not subject to interference or damage by other
escape system components to the maximum extent practicable
g. Prevent entanglement of risers and parachute canopy suspension
lines. Recovery subsystem. The recovery subsystem shall be integral with
the ejection seat assembly and shall control the descent of the aircrewmember
after ejection from the aircraft in accordance with the requirements specified
herein. As a minimum, the recovery subsystem shall include a container,
parachute canopy, parachute canopy release fittings, risers, cross connector
straps, and a positive deployment device. The recovery subsystem shall:
Remain securely stowed within the ejection seat assembly
in a dormant condition during aircraft operation, including
flight with the aircraft canopy removed, until such time as
it is required to function during the escape sequence.
b. Prevent subsystem initiation and operation prior to the
ejection seat assembly and aircrewmember clearing the aircraft
c. Perform its operation in an automatic and programmed sequence
following initiation.
d. Delay the deployment of the recovery parachute until a nominal
altitude of 18,000 feet has been achieved when ejection from the
aircraft occurs at a higher ICAO standard altitude.
e. Function within the escape envelope specified in 3.3.2.
f. Provide redundancy for performing all subsystem functions,
subject to written approval by the procuring activity, except
as limited by the use of a single parachute canopy.
g. Utilize the manual release handle to actuate the recovery
subsystem in the event of a failure of the automatic sequencing
system in accordance with
h. Incorporate a positive extraction device or means to deploy
the parachute canopy.
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