| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS) Electromagnetic compatibility. Electromagnetic compatibility tests
shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-462, and MIL-STD-1385
to verify escape system compatibility with the aircraft electromagnetic and
radiation interference environment and requirements of 3.1.10. At least one
sample of each electrically different ejection seat assembly shall be tested.
If all ejection seat assemblies are electrically identical, only the pilot's
ejection seat assembly shall be tested. Crash loads. The ejection seat assembly crash load tests will be
conducted by the procuring activity to demonstrate the requirements of The test input profile will comply with figure 1 using a trapezoidal
pulse shape having the nominal rise, dwell, and total times as indicated in
figure 1 and a maximum acceleration of 302g's and a velocity change
of 77 3 ft/sec. Two tests will be conducted. The first test will simulate
crash loading in the -X direction (eyeballs out). The second test will
simulate crash loading in the +Z direction (eyeballs down). For these
tests, the ejection seat assembly will be occupied by a maximum specified
anthropomorphic dummy wearing the heaviest combination of personal flight
gear defined in the appendix. The ejection seat assembly interface will be
mounted to a rigid test fixture through which the crash loads will be applied.
Test fixture design shall be detailed in the test plan (see 4.7.2). Physiological acceptability demonstrations. Physiological
acceptability tests will be conducted by the procuring activity to demonstrate
that the escape system meets the physiological acceptability requirements
of 3.2 and 3.3. Human subjects and anthropomorphic dummies required for
these tests will be provided by the procuring activity. Three series of
tests will be conducted:
a. The first test series will be conducted with anthropomorphic
dummies to establish several acceleration level test conditions
in increments up to 27g's or 1.5 times the anticipated maximum
value, whichever is greater. The anticipated maximum value
is defined as the acceleration imposed on the ejection seat
assembly by the propulsion system during an ejection with the
lightest weight occupant at ICAO standard sea level conditions.
The test series will include at least two tests at the anti-
cipated maximum acceleration value and at least one test at
27g's or 1.5 times the anticipated maximum value, whichever
is greater.
b. The second test series will be conducted using human subjects,
with acceleration levels increasing in increments to within
2.0g's of the anticipated maximum value.
c. The third test series will consist of at least four tests
each with a different human subject, at the anticipated
maximum acceleration value. Reliability and maintainability. Reliability of the escape
system shall be demonstrated as described in and
Maintainability shall be demonstrated in accordance with MIL-STD-2067
to demonstrate compliance with 3.4.2.
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