| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
compliance with the performance requirements of 3.3 at representative conditions
selected from table II. System track tests shall not commence prior to receipt
of the written approval of the pre DT-IIB design review by the procuring
activity. Test articles shall be configured in accordance with the testing
baseline (see plus any approved changes (see 6.2.1).
4.6.2 Physical configuration audit (PCA). The PCA shall be comprised of
a physical audit conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-1521, the production
proofing article review (see, and the field maintainability article
II review (see The physical audit shall formally examine the
production proofing article (see against its technical documentation
in order to establish a final (production} baseline and shall determine the
final qualification of the escape system after the completion of. all testing.
The final baseline configuration shall comprise the testing baseline config-
uration with the modifications required to obtain escape system performance,
strength, environmental protection, and component qualification in accordance
with the requirements specified herein. Following the completion and approval
of all testing, the contractor shall prepare technical documentation to
completely describe the final baseline configuration (see 6.2.2). This
documentation package shall include, but not be limited to:
The proposed production specification.
A complete shortage list.
A set of acceptance test procedures and associated test data.
An engineering drawing index.
A list of approved material review board actions on waivers.
A proposed DD Form 250, "Material Inspection and Receiving
A list of approved nomenclature and nameplates.
A set of level 3 drawings and change documents assembled
by the top drawing number. Production proofinq article (PPA) review. The contractor shall
prepare for installation in the appropriate aircrewmember station(s) a
production proofing article(s) within 45 days prior to the PCA. In production
aircraft programs, the contractor shall install the article(s). In programs
for the retrofit of the escape system, the installation shall be performed
by personnel designated by the procuring activity to verify installation
instructions in accordance with the requirements of MIL-M-81203. In the
event the program involves both retrofit and production installation, the
contractor shall prepare two articles for each crew station. The PPA review
may be conducted concurrently with the FMA-II (see The proofing
article(s) shall represent the frozen design of the proposed final base-
line configuration (see 4.6.2) embodying all approved changes resulting
from previous design reviews or tests. All parts of the article(s) shall
be manufactured by production processes. The article(s) shall be inspected
to ensure that production components fit when selected at random, that the
compatibility of production parts are acceptable, and (for retrofit) that
the installation instructions are correct. The production proofing articles
installed in an aircraft shall remain in, and be delivered as part of the
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