| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
(1) Tracking and trajectory of each ejection seat and each
test dummy.
(2) Head-on and side views, closeup and remote as required.
(3) Other events and sequences critical to escape system
(4) Limb flail motion picture records.
30.3.3 Post-test data. As a minimum, the following post-test data shall
be obtained for each ejection test:
a. Rechecks of the instrumentation system calibration as required
and consistent with the test facility's standard procedures.
b. Photographs of the undisturbed, recovered condition of all
test articles, dummies, flight gear and cockpit aircrewmember
stations, with particular emphasis placed on components
suspected of having malfunctioned or failed, and on visible
areas of damages
c. Completed parachute canopy, dummy and equipment damage charts
complying with the sample charts in accordance with 30.5.
(For parachute canopies other than circular, special damage
charts will be furnished by the procuring activity.)
d. Other photographs as required for failure and MOS analyses.
30.3.4 Cameras and transducers. Motion picture cameras, transducers,
switches, and other event markers shall be mounted in a manner which minimize
modification of the escape system, particularly the ejection seat assembly.
DT-IA modifications shall not alter the functions of tested components in a
manner that would degrade or compromise their --
performance. DT-IB modifications
shall not alter fit or function of ejection seat assembly components that are
used during the test. For example, instrumentation may be substituted for
standard equipment in the survival equipment container, provided no alteration
in container geometry, location, orientation, external function, weight, or
center of gravity results. DT-IIB instrumentation shall be based upon a trade-
off between maximizing the use of unmodified production hardware and retaining
the defined DT-IB instrumentation. The resulting DT-IIB test article config-
uration with non-essential instrumentation eliminated shall be defined in
the test plan for review and written approval by the procuring activity.
Motion picture camera placements exposure rates, timing mark resolutions
etc., as required to calculate trajectories establish angular relationships
and meet other analysis objectives shall be specified in the test plan for
review and written approval by the procuring activity. Film specified shall
be of the highest quality and lowest grain commercially available. The minimum
transducer characteristics to be included in the test plan shall include, as
Nominal full scale ranqe (not to exceed 200 percent of the
anticipated range of the variable to be measured).
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