| ![]() MIL-S-19819C(OS) Operating life test. Mount the firing switch in a test fixture
that will impart sufficient shock to trip the switch. Connect the circuit
( for discharging the 4-mfd capacitor upon switch closure. Subject
the firing switch to 100 cycles of operation, rotating the switch approximat-
ely 3-1/2 degrees, with respect to the line of impact, prior to each suc-
cessive cycle. The minimum time between each impact shall be one minute.
The switch shall meet the operating life requirements of 3.4.7.
4.3.6 Workmanship test. Secure the assembled switch in a lathe, or like
tool, and cut in half at the 0.062 radius spherical dimple. While carefully
separating the halves, look for the presence of dirt, loose or excessive
solder, flux, and loose or frayed strands of pigtail wire. This test shall
be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Special Inspection Level S-3,
AQL 4.0 percent defective.
4.3.7 Functional tests. At the conclusion of the tests specified in and above, functional and other tests, as applicable, shall
be conducted on the firing switches to determine freedom from operational
malfunction and compliance with all requirements of Section 3.
4.3.8 Waiver of tests. Tests specified in and above may
be waived by the procuring agency for Level C packs only, provided the con-
tractor guarantees safe delivery to the using activity.
4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Each firing switch delivered under
contract shall be subjected to the following tests and examinations. Failure
to meet any requirement specified herein shall be considered cause for re-
4.4.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the firing switch,
shall be subjected to quality conformance tests under the following condi-
tions: Temperature: Room ambient plus 65 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to plus
95 degrees F (plus 18.33 degrees centigrade (C) to plus 35 degrees C).
Normal ground.
Room ambient to 95 percent relative (maximum).
4.4.2 Test and inspection equipment and facilities. The manufacturer
shall furnish and maintain all necessary test equipment and facilities and
shall provide personnel for performing all quality conformance tests. The
test equipment shall be adequate in quantity and, where definite require-
ments are not specified, shall be of sufficient accuracy and quality to
permit performance of the required quality conformance tests.
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