| ![]() MIL-S-20706A
seals, machined surfaces, and welded parts shall be clean and free
front sand, dirt, fins, pits, sprues, scale, flux, and other harmful,
extraneous material. External. surfaces shall be free of burrs, sharp
edges, and corners except when sharp edges or corners are requires.
3.11.1 Fabrication. All parts shall be fabricated in Such a manner
that during and after assembly, correct fit, alinement, and clearance
shall be provided between mating parts and between operating parts.
3.11.2 Steel condition. Steel used in the fabrication of the
scarifier assemblies shall provide original quality surface finish
and shall be free from kinks and sharp bends. Steel having eroded
surface is not acceptable. The forming of material shall be done
by methods that will not cause damage to the metal. Shearing and
chipping shall be done neatly and accurately. Corners shall be square
and true, and all sharp edges and burro shall be removed. Burned sur-
faces of flamecut material shall be free of burrs, sharp edges, and
slag. Precautions shall be taken to avoid overheating, and heated
metals should be allowed to cool slowly except where heat treatment
is required. All bends of a major character shall be made with metal
dies or fixtures to insure uniformity of size and shape.
3.l1.3 Bolted connections. Bolt holes shall be accurately punched
or drilled and shall have the burrs removed. Bolt holes in structural
members subject to variable loads shall be punched or drilled. Washers
or lockwashers shall be provided where necessary. All bolts, nuts, and
screws shall be tight. Threads securing bolts or capscrews shall be of
sufficient strength to withstand the tensile strength of the bolt.
3.11.4 Welders and welding. Welders. Before assigning any welder to manual welding
work covered by this specification, the supplier shall provide the
contacting officer with certification that the welder has passed quali-
fication tests as prescribed by either of the following listed codes
for the type of welding operation to be perfomed and that such qualifi-
cation is effective as defined by the particular code:
Standard Qualification Procedure of the American Welding Society.
Welding Qualification of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Welding. The surfaces of parts to be welded shall be free
from rust, scale, paint, grease, and other foreighn matter. Welds shall
transmit stress without permanent deformation or failure when the parts
connected by the welds are subjected to proof and service loadings.
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