| ![]() MIL-S-23772(Wep)
of the closed contacts of the hydrostatic switch shall not exceed
0.2 ohms as measured under a maximum potential of 1.5 volts d - c
as tested in accordance with
s t a n d an operating pressure as indicated in the schedule below,
w h e n applied to the sea side without leakage when tested as
specified in
T h e hydrostatic switch, packed and packaged as defined in 5,
m o u n t e d as specified in 4.6.1 shall be subjected to tests as
s p e c i f i e d in 4.6.1 and thereafter shall show no damage and shall
m e e t all the performance requirements and product characteristics
of this specification.
t i o n . - The hydrostatic switch
less pack or packaging shall be
m o u n t e d and subjected to the
vibration tests specified in
4 . 6 . 2 and thereafter shall show
no damage and shall meet all
p e r f o r m a n c e requirements and
product characteristics of this
p a c k a g e d and packed as called for in 5, shall meet acceptably
a l l performance requirements and product characteristics of t h i s
specification after being subjected to the free fall drop test
of 4.6.3.
h y d r o s t a t i c switch, packed and packaged as specified in 5, s h a l 1
b e subjected to tests as specified in 4.6.4 and thereafter shall
s h o w no damage and shall meet all performance requirements and
product characteristics of this specification.
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