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b. Armrests: A down load of 300 pounds ultimate, 200 pounds
proof, applied at the center of each armrest. A side load of 100
pounds ultimate, 67 pounds proof, applied outward or inward
perpendicularly to each armrest in a horizontal plane. The above
loads shall be applied at the center of each armrest. It is not.
required that these loads be applied simultaneously.
c. Seat pan, front edge: The seat shall withstand a down load
(perpendicular to the floor plane) of 400 pounds ultimate applied
to the front edge of the seat pan, applied over the space extend-
ing 1-1/2 inches each side of the centerline of the seat pan.
Type I only:
a. Seat bottom: A down load of 3000 pounds ultimate, 2000
pounds proof, distributed over the seat bottom with the load
center of gravity located as shown in Figure 1. The seat shall be
adjusted to the maximum up position during this test.
b. Seat back: An aft load of 2000 pounds ultimate, 1335 pounds
proof, distributed over the area of the seat back with the load
center of gravity located as shown in Figure 1. The seat shall
be adjusted to the maximum up position, and the seat back shall
be inclined to the 13-1/2-degree position during the test.
c. Safety belt mountings: A load of 1440 pounds ultimate, 960
pounds proof, applied to the lap safety belt mountings (equally
distributed between the two) on the side of the seat in a direc-
tion forward and inclined 40 degrees up from the floor plane;
and a load of 900 pounds ultimate, 600 pounds proof, applied to
the shoulder harness take-up reel in a forward direction parallel
to the floor plane as indicated in 11.5.2. These loads shall be
applied simultaneously and under the following separate conditions:
directly forward, 20 degrees to the right of forward and 20
degrees to the left of forward. If the structure is shown to be
symmetrical, the yaw load need only be applied to one side.
d. Lap safety belt mountings: An up load of 1500 pounds ulti-
mate, 1000 pounds proof, applied to the lap belt mountings
(equally distributed between the two) on the side of' the seat,
and parallel to the seat back.
Type II only:
a. Seat bottom: A down load of 4000 pounds ultimate, 2665 pounds
proof, distributed over the seat bottom with the load center of
gravity located as shown in Figure 1. The seat shall be adjusted
to the maximum up position during this test.
b. Seat back: An aft load of 1500 pounds ultimate, 1000 pounds
proof, distributed over the area of the seat back with the load
center of gravity located as shown in Figure 1. The seat shall
be adjusted to the maximum up position, and the seat back shall
be inclines to the 13-1/2-degree position during the test.

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