| ![]() MIL-S-25073A(USAF)
3.11.2 Use of AN orMIL designations. All or MIL designations shall not be
applied to a product. except for qualification test samples, nor referred to
in correspondence or sales matter, until notification has been received from
the qualifying agency that the product has been approved by the procuring
3.12 Lubrication. Lubrication shall be accomplished in accordance with
MIL-STD-838. Lubrication shall conform to applicable Government specifica-
tions, unless otherwise approved by the procuring service.
3.13 Screw threads. Unless otherwise specified screw threads shall conform
to MIL-S-7742. All threaded parts shall be securely locked.
3.14 Special tools. Seats shall be so designed that special tools will
not be required for assembly or disassembly. Special tools and comerical
standard tools are defined in MIL-D-8512.
3.15 Workmanship. The seat, including all parts and accessories, shall be
constructed and finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Particular
attention shall be given to neatness and thoroughness of welding, riveting,
machine-screw assemblies, painting, and freedom of parts from burrs and sham
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
Or purchase order, the supplier responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified
in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facili-
ties suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified
herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the
right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where
such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services con-
form to prescribed requirements.
4.2 Classification of tests. The inspection and testing of the seats shall
be classified as follows: --
Quality conformance tests
See 4.3
Preproduction testing
See 4.7
4.3 Quality conformance tests. Quality conformance tests shall consist of:
Individual tests.
Sampling plans and tests.
4.3.1 Individual tests. Each seat shall be subjected to the following
tests as described under 4.5 of this specification:
Examination of product.
Functional tests.
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