| ![]() 4.6.3 Calibration
4 . 6 . 3 . 1 w s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y . - The float switch shall be mounted in the
normal installation attitude. T e s t fluid having a specific gravity of 0.68
shall be used. A calibration cycle shall be perormed consi sting of increasing
and then decreasing the test fluid level and noting the two fluid levels at which
switch actuation occurs. Float switch actuation levels shall be as specified on
the manufacturer's drawing with the exception that each actuation point tolerance
shall be
inch. The calibration test shall be conducted using the maximum
rated resi stive load on all ontacts. There shall be no evidence of sticking or
binding. Float switches with relays shall be tested using minimum line v o l t a g e
applied to the relay.
~ * - The float switch shall be mounted in the
normal installation attitude. Test fluid having a specific gravity of 0.85
shall be used. A claibration cycle shall be performed consisting of increasing
end then decreasing the test fluid level and noting the two fluid levels at which switch
q otuation occurs. Float switch q otuation levels shall be as specified on the manu-
facturer's drawing with the exception that each actuation point tolerance shall be
25 inch. The calibration test shall be conducted using the maximum rated re-
There shall be no evidence of sticking or binding.
ed stive load on all contacts.
Float switches with relays shall be tested using minimum line voltage applied to
4 . 6 . 3 . 3 - - - The float switch shall be functionally tested in four
positions 990 degrees apart, when tilted at an angle of 15 degrees. Tout fluid
ving a specified gravity of 0.66 4).02 shall be used. The calibration test of
..6.3.1 shall be conducted. There shall be no evidence of sticking or binding.
~ . - The float switch shall be Installed on a pressure vessel
and positioned in the normal mounting attitude. This teat shall be conducted in
the same manner as the low specific gravity test fluid calibration teat, except
that pressure in the vessel shall be maintained at 30 pal. There shall be no
evidence of sticking or binding.
The float switch in a dry condition shall be slowly
rotated from a normally mounted q ttitude to an inverted q ttitude and returned to
normal attitude. This procedure shall be conducted in four directions 90
degrees apart. The actuation or non-actuation of the float switch shall be in
q ccordance uith the detail specification.
4 . 6 . 3 . 6 Precheck.- The float switch precheck device shall be functionally
tested in accordance with the detail specifications. There shall be no evidence of
sticking or b i d i n g . De-icing.- The float switch de-icing device sall be functionally
tested in accordance with the detail specification.
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