| ![]() MIL-S-26547C
3.12.5 Paint finishes. All exposed metal surfaces shall be painted with
one coat of primer conforming to MIL-P-8585 and two finish coats of enamel
conforming to TT-E-489, type I, or one coat of type II enamel, except as
follows :
Corrosion-resistant steel, brass, copper: or bronze parts.
Working surface.
Oil holes.
Cadmium - or zinc-plated parts.
g. Those parts on which the application of paint has been demon-
strated to the satisfaction of the procuring activity to be impractical or
3.13 Screw threads. Unless otherwise specified, the threads of all
machine screws 0.06 inch in diameter, or larger, shall conform to MIL-S-7742.
* 3.13.1 Coating threaded parts. All threaded parts, except electrical
terminals and safety stop nuts, shall have a thin coating of compound conform-
ing to TT-S-1732 applied to the threads. No more of this compound shall be
applied than is necessary to cover the surface of the threads.
3.14 Lubrication. Where lubrication is required, it shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-838. The lubrication shall be such that it will insure satis-
factory operation when the starter-generator is permanently mounted in any
position. The starter-generator shall not require added lubrication during
1,000 hours of operation. The lubrication of the starter-generator shall be
independent of the engine lubrication system.
3.15 Altitude rating chart. The starter-generator manufacturer shall
supply an altitude rating chart (1,000-hour life, except for brushes) giving
the safe allowable rating for the starter-generator. This chart shall be in
the same range and general form or equivalent presentation as shown on Figure 5.
The spacing and number of lines for pressure drop and temperature shall be so
selected that the change in airflow and rating from one line to another shall
be not more than 20 per cent.
3.16 Identification of product. Equipment, assemblies, and parts shall be
marked for identification in accordance with MIL-STD-130.
3.16.1 Nameplate.
The nameplate shall be irreversible and in conformance
with Figure 6.
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