| MIL-S-27447A(USAF)
*4.3.1 Individual tests.
Each survival kit shall be subjected to the
following tests:
Examination of product
See 4.4.1
Dimensional check-assembly
See 4.4.2
4.3.2 Sampling plan and tests.
* Lot. A lot shall consist of 200 survival kit assemblies or fraction
thereof, manufactured under essentially the same conditions and submitted for
inspection at substantially the same time.
* Sampling plan. One survival kit assembly shall be selected at
random from each lot and subjected to the following tests.
Altitude test
See 4.4.3
Humidity test
See 4.4.4
c. Pull test
See 4.4.5 Rejection and retest. When one or more items from a lot fail to
meet the specification, acceptance of all items in the lot will be withheld
until the extent and cause of failure are determined. After corrections have
been made, all necessary tests shall be repeated. Individual tests may continue. For production reasons, individual
tests may be continued pending the investigation of a sampling test failure.
But final acceptance of the entire lot shall not be made until it is
that the lot meets all the requirements of this specification. Defects in items already accepted. The investigation of a test
failure could indicate that defects may exist in items already accepted. If
so, the contractor shall fully advise the procuring activity of all defects
likely to be found and methods of correcting them.
4.4 Test methods.
Examination of product. Each survival kit shall be examined to determine
conformance to this specification with respect to material, weight,
workmanship, and marking.
*4.4.2 Dimensional check. Each complete survival kit assembly shall be
examined for conformity to the dimensions specified in 3.5.1.
4.4.3 Altitude test. The survival kit assembly shall be placed horizontally
in the test chamber with a 20 pound weight placed on top of the kit. The
internal pressure of the chamber shall be reduced to 3.44 inches of mercury
(50,000 feet, equivalent) within one minute. The equipment shall be
maintained under these conditions for 30 minutes. At the conclusion of this
period, the kit shall be removed from the chamber and shall be submerged in
water to a depth of 1 foot for not less than five minutes. At the conclusion
of this time, the kit shall be removed and dried by air blast. The kit shall
then be opened and the survival components inspected or moisture. Any
evidence of moisture shall be cause for rejection.
4.4.4 Humidity test. The complete kit shall be subjected to the humidity
test outlined in procedure I of MIL-E-5272, for not less than 120 hours.
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