| ![]() MIL-S-3443G (AR)
6.6 To avoid delay in testing firinq. TO avoid delay in
test firing the contractor should maintain a minimum of 2 months
supply of ammunition as determined by anticipated firing
6.7 Test firing facilities and operating Procedures.
firing facilities and operating procedures should be designed by
the contractor in conformance with local, state, and federal
They should be suitable for carrying out prescribed
firing tests and insure the safety of operating and visiting
personnel. Copies of these contractor designs should be
forwarded to the contracting officer. Government facilities may
be viewed upon application to the contracting officer.
6.8 Drawings. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this speci-
fication under the heading U.S. Army Armment, Research, Develop-
ment and Engineering Center (ARDEC) may also include drawings
prepared by, and identified as U.S. Army Armament, Research and
Development Command ( ARRADCOM), Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island
Technical data-originally
Arsenal or Picatinny Arsenal drawings.
prepared by these activities is now under cognizance of ARDEC.
6.9 Subject term (kev word) listing.
Manually Operated Slide Action
small Arms
Take-down Receiver
6.10 Chanqes from previous issue. Asterisks (or vertical
lines) are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the
6.11 Submission of alternative inspection provisions.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, proposed alternative
quality conformance provisions will be submitted by the
contractor for evaluation by the technical activity responsible
for the preparation of this specification.
Preparing activity:
Navy - OS
(project 1005-0812)
Air Force - 84
User Activity:
Navy - MC
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