| ![]() 3.9 Workmanship. The steel shell be clean and free of imperfections
segregation and surface defects as is consistent with
practice for this steel quality.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or purchase order , the contractor is responsible for the performance
of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
purchase order, the contractor may use his own or
specified in the contract
any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection
disapproved by the Government. The
requirements specified herein,
Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in
where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure
and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All
must meet all requirements
of sections 3 and 5. The inspection
forth in this specification shall
become a part of the contractor's overall inspection system or quality
program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification
shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all
products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with
all requirements of the contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not
authorize submission
known defective material, either indicated or actual,
commit the Government to acceptance of defective material.
nor does
otherwise specified in the contract or order (see
4.2 Lot.
of all steel submitted for inspection et one time, of the
having been subject to the
same heat, the
finish, the
hatdening and tempering treatment.
4.3 Sampling.
4.3.1 Product Analysis. Samples for product analysis of
composition shall be taken from three different coils in each lot.
sample shall be analyzed separately.
Mechanical properties. Hardness and tensile strength.
far hardness tests shall be
taken from 2 different coils representing each 5,000 pounds (2270 kg) of steel
in the lot or from 2 cut lengths representing
coils in each 5,000
pounds (2270 kg) in the lot, Cold bending. Sampling for cold bending tests
be as
negotiated between the contractor and procuring activity.
for decarburization. Samples shall be taken from I
coil in each lot or from one cut length in each lot.
4.4 Examination.
representative sampling of the steel shall be examined for
requirements for finish
edge (see
and identification marking (see 3.8).
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