| ![]() MIL-S-52124B(ME)
shall be taken to avoid overheating, and heated metals should be allowed
to cool slowly except where heat treatment is required. All bends of
a major character shall be made with metal dies or fixtures to insure
uniformity of size and shape.
3.30.2 Welders and welding.
Welder qualification shall be in Welder qualification.
accordance with MIL-STD-1261. Welding. Welding of steel shall be in accordance with MIL-
STD-1261, except that joint welding procedures are not required for
class 1 and class 2 steels; and as specified herein.
Aluminum welding shall be done by the Aluminum welding.
metal-inert-gas method or any other method that will provide equiva-
lent mechanical properties of the filler metal to base metal combi-
method. All welds shall be made at a uniform rate of speed. Com-
plete and uniform penetration and fusion of the metals shall be ob-
tained on all welds. Aluminum welds may be ground, filed, wire
brushed, or chipped but shall not be hammered. Preheating for welding
is permissible provided the temperature does not exceed 400 F. for
a total time of 30 minutes. NO process requiring the use of welding
flux shall be used.
3.30.3 Brazing. Brazing of steels, copper alloys~ and nickel
Brazing of aluminum and alumi-
alloys shall conform to MIL-B-7883.
num alloys shall not be permitted.
3.30.4 Castings. Castings shall be sound and free from patching,
misplaced coring, warping, or any other defect which might render
the casting unsound for its intended use.
3.30.5 Bolted connections. Bolt holes shall be accurately punched
or drilled and shall have the burrs removed. Bolt holes in structural
members subject to variable loads shall be punched or drilled. Washers
or lockwashers shall be provided where necessary. All bolts, nuts,
and screws shall be correctly torqued. Matching thread areas securing
bolts or capscrews shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the ten-
sile strength of the bolt.
3.30.6 Riveted connections. Rivets shall fill the holes completely.
The upset rivet heads shall be full, neatly made, concentric with the
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