| ![]() MIL-S-52860D
instructions in acquisition documents regarding arrangements for examinations,
approval of the first article test results and disposition of the first
articles. Invitation for bids should provide that the Government reserves the
right to waive the requirement for samples for first article inspection to
those bidders offering a product which has been previously acquired or tested
by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely
on such protection or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior
Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending contract.
Bidders should not submit alternate bids unless specifically requested to do
so in the solicitation.
6.4 Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply throughout this
Tamper alarm.
Alarm resulting from removal of LAS cover.
6.4.2 Duress alarm.
Alarm resulting from manual activation of the LAS by
security personnel.
6.4.3 Damage. Damage is defined as deformation, corrosion, loosening of
parts, breakage, or change of fit of any components; physical change which
impairs the mechanical integrity of the LAS; evidence of delamination or water
penetration into integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, external
components, or physical condition resulting in noncompliance of the item with
the provisions of this specification.
6.4.4 Quality assurance provisions (QAP). A QAP is a contractual
requirement that supplements section 4 of the specification. A QAP indicates
the minimum requirements which must be inspected on the product drawings to
verify the objectives of the product and assure interchangeability of the
repair parts.
6.5 Quality assurance provisions (QAP) records. The contracting officer
should require the contractor to maintain records of all QAP inspections. A
suggested paragraph is as follows:
"The contractor shall maintain complete records of all examinations and
tests performed to verify the requirements of classified QAP characteristics.
The records shall include, as a minimum, lot size, sample size, drawing
requirements, actual measurements, number and type of deficiencies found,
quantity approved, quantity rejected, and corrective action taken then
6.6 Data requirements. The contracting officer should include
requirements for such data as technical publications, instructional materials,
illustrated parts lists, and contractor's maintenance and operational manual
to be furnished with each LAS.
6.7 Provisioning. The contracting officer should include provisioning
requirements for repair parts and maintenance tools as necessary (including
any special tools), and instructions regarding shipment of the end items.
6.8 Government-loaned property. The contracting officer should arrange to
loan the property specified in 3.10 when applicable (see 6.2).
Subject term (key word) listing.
Duress switch
Intrusion detection
Physical security
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