| ![]() MIL-S-52986(ME)
3.7 Physical characteristics.
3.7.1 Weight limit. The basic weight of the scrapers, type I and type II,
shall not exceed 30,600 pounds. Basic weight shall be determined with the
ROPS/FOPS removed without any special items required for sectionalization, but
with all other accessories, and with coolant, lubricating and hydraulic systems
filled to capacity, and with not less than 25 percent nor more than 75 percent
fuel. The type II scraper when sectionalized into 2 sections shall weigh not
more than 16,000 pounds per section.
3.7.2 Dimensions. The overall width of the scraper shall not exceed 98
inches, except that the width may be increased to not more than 105 inches to
accommodate special airborne/airmobile provisions. The overall length shall not
exceed 396 inches. In order to conform to a height limit of 100 inches when
rigged for airdrop, the reducible height of the scraper should be not more than
91 inches. No major component removal except ROPS/FOPS canopy, shall be
required to obtain the reduced height. If the height exceeds 91 inches, the
contractor must demonstrate prior to step I proposal opening date that his
scraper can be rigged so as to conform to the 100 inch limit, and withstand the
forces encountered in the simulated airdrop impact test (see without
damage or permanent deformation.
3.8 Sectionalization. The type II scraper less ROPS/FOPS, shall be capable
of being sectionalized into two sections for helicopter transport. The weight
of either section shall not exceed 16,000 pounds. The powered section shall be
driveable and steerable under its own power for a distance of 50 feet over
relatively flat unimproved areas. Reassembly time with tools furnished with the
shall not exceed 4 hours. Cutting and welding are not permitted. Components
and accessories used in sectionalization and reassembly shall be stored on the
scraper or in a remountable container attached to the scraper but shall not
interfere with the operation of the scraper.
3.9 Performance. The scraper shall withstand the usage encountered in
military operations such as: self-loading, hauling, dumping and spreading soil,
crossing rough terrain, fording streams, and negotiating steep longitudinal and
sidehill slopes, without damage. The scraper shall be capable of driving at
maximum travel speed in transport, being towed by another vehicle, and limited
towing of other equipment. The scraper shall be capable of self-loading
undistributed or recompacted soil to heaped capacity in less than one minute.
3.9.1 Environmental conditions. Without the use of any external means,
equipped with only standard/optional equipment, the engine shall start within
five (5) minutes and the scraper shall-operate under full-load conditions within
fifteen (15) minutes after engine start in any ambient temperature from minus
25 F to plus 120 F. Cold start aids must be intergal with the scraper and no
aids may be used which rely upon external support such as an electrical power
source. Hand-held aerosol cans are not permitted. The scraper shall be capable
of operating in hot humid tropical environments and dry dusty environments.
3.9.2 Travel speed. The scraper with heaped load shall be capable of a
forward travel speed of not less than 20 mph on level pavement.
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