| ![]() MIL-S-55257C(CR)
see that ammeter reads the approximate load applied.
4.6,8 Operational check of phone line.
(AN/ASM-146 & AN/ASM-147).
Check phone circuit. Connect two wires from one test phone to binding
posts 1A and 1B in power entrance box. Connect tinned ends of telephone
signal cord to the binding posts of the other test phone, and insert plug
end into phone jack, roadside. Operate ringer on each phone, in turn,
and talk into each phone. The phones should ring, and the conversation
should be loud and clear.
4.6.9 Test of frequency converter, circuit breakers, and convenience
(AN/ASM-146 only).
a. Connect the frequency converter's power line to its proper
receptacle and turn the converter on.
b. With the converter operating, turn off the circuit breaker
for the frequency converter and then back on again. The frequency con-
verter shall stop and start again.
c. Using a frequency meter, check each convenience outlet for
400 cycles per second.
d. With the frequency meter connected to one of the outlets,
throw the circuit breaker for the bench outlets to the off position. The
frequency meter shall show no reading.
4.6.10 Test of Power Supp ly PP-1104( )/G, convenience outlets, and
circuit breaker.
(AN/ASM-146 only).
a. Connect the power supply's power line to its proper recepta-
cle and turn the power supply on.
b. With the power supply operating, turn off circuit breaker
for the power supply and then back on again. The power supply shall stop
and start again.
Using a D.C. voltmeter, check each convenience outlet for 28
volts D.C.
4.6.11 Test of air conditioner.
a. Open all air conditioning panel covers on the outside of the
Turn on breaker #2.
c. Turn air conditioner controller to "Ventilate". Air current
shall flow from the ducts. Record current indicated on ammeter,
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