| ![]() MIL-S-62095C(AT)
* Welders and welding. In addition to the requirements of 3.22.4, all welders
employed in the fabrication of the semitrailer shall be certified, before any welding is
accomplished, in accordance with MIL-STD-1595; the welding qualifications of the ASME
BPVC, Section IX; or AWS B2.1 or Dl.l. The certification that the welders have passed the
qualifications test shall be on file at the contractor's facility and shall be available for review by the
* Lubrication chart. An illustrated or schematic diagram type lubrication chart shall be
provided on the semitrailer. The chart shall direct attention to all lubrication fittings and specify
the range and grade of lubricants required for critical temperatures. The chart shall be
permanently attached to the semitrailer in a readily visible location. The chart shall be inscribed
on a plate conforming to composition A (class 1 or 2) or composition C of MIL-P-514.
* Lifting and tiedown attachments. When specified (see 6.2), the vehicle shall have
lifting and tiedown attachments. Lifting and tiedown attachments shall be in accordance with
class 1 and 2 or in accordance with class 3 of MIL-STD-209. Lifting and tiedown attachments
shall conform to type II or type III of MIL-STD-209.
* Tiedown identification. Tiedown attachments shall be identified by stenciling or
other suitable marking. Tiedown markings shall clearly indicate that the attachments are intended
for the tiedown of the vehicle on the carrier.
* Transportation plate. Lifting and tiedown provisions shall include a transportation
plate conforming to The transportation plate shall have a diagram showing the
attachments and proposed lifting slings, the capacity of each attachment, and the required length
and size of each sling cable. The transportation plate shall have a silhouette of the vehicle
showing the center of gravity.
* Information plates. The transportation plate specified in, the sign specified
in 3.2.8, the caution plate in and the instruction plate in 3.16.5 shall conform to
composition A (class 1 or 2) or composition C of MIL-P-514.
* Pintle assembly. When specified (see 6.2), a trailer towing package shall be
furnished. The trailer towing package shall consist of a pintle, safety chain attachment devices, an
electrical receptacle and associated reinforcements and wiring and shall be installed on the rear of
the vehicle. The pintle shall conform to MS 51335-2. The pintle shall be installed in the chassis
frame with reinforcements to transfer a vertical tongue load of not less than 815 kilograms (kg)
(1,800 pounds) and a horizontal drawbar load of not less than 8150 kg (18,000 pounds) directly
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