| ![]() MIL-S-62359(AT)
or rim. The spare tire shall be of the same size, tread design and ply rating as the tires furnished
on the vehicle.
3.4.5 Brakes. Service brakes. Service brakes shall be of the full air, internal expanding type;
shall conform to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations 393.40 through 393.43, 393.45
through 393.47, and 393.52; and shall be as specified herein. The braking system shall include
standard breakaway features, relay emergency valve, air reservoir, automatic slack adjusters,
piping, hose connections, gladhands, spring loaded dust covers or dummy gladhands equipped
with security chains, and all other components required for a complete air-brake system.
Gladhands shall conform to SAE J318. Location of air-hose fittings shall comply with SAE J702.
The braking system shall be installed in a manner which provides road clearance for travel over
uneven terrain and protection against damage caused by objects striking components. No part of
the braking system shall extend below the bottom of wheel rims. Slack adjusters shall be located
above the bottom edge of the axle carrier. Parking brakes. The semitrailer shall be equipped with spring or air diaphragm
mechanical lock type parking brakes. The parking brakes shall hold the semitrailer, with rated
payload, on a 10 percent grade despite the depletion of the compressed air supply. The parking
brakes shall be automatically applied upon disconnection of the emergency air line and under
emergency conditions. The parking brakes shall conform to Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulation 393.41.
3.4.6 Upper fifth wheel plate. The upper fifth wheel plate shall be designed for coupling
to a full oscillating and fore-and-aft rocking type fifth wheel, shall be of sufficient size to cover a
fifth wheel 36 inches in diameter, and shall conform to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation
393.70(b). The forward end of the upper fifth wheel plate shall have a turned-up lip for ease of
coupling to a truck tractor and for body protection. The kingpin shall be fabricated of heat
treated alloy steel and shall conform to SAE J700.
3.4.7 Landing supports. Landing supports, or stiff legs consisting of two legs of the
gravity telescopic type mounted at the front of the semitrailer, shall be furnished. Each leg shall
be equipped with a steel support pad not less than 12 inches square. Landing support adjustment
shall be not less than 2-inch increments. The range of the adjustment shall vary the upper fifth
wheel plate height from 47 inches to not less than 53 inches from the ground. Minimum ground
clearance with support pads retracted shall be not less than 14 inches.
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