| ![]() MIL-S-62469(AT) Completed trailer inspection. The production trailer shall be road tested 50 miles and
inspected by the contractor for conformance to the requirements of contract and specifications.
The applicable road test shall be in accordance with 4.6.3 but without payload. Upon completion,
the contractor shall submit the trailer (and make available all inspection records and certifications)
to the responsible government inspection element at contractor plant for inspection. Inspection
and tests per table IV shall be conducted. Repair of defects. Defects shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the
Government. Failure of the contractor to promptly correct defects shall be cause for suspension
of acceptance of production trailers until corrective action has been accomplished. Semitrailer disposition. After completion of inspection, the first production trailer
shall remain at the manufacturing facility, as a production sample, and shall be the last trailer
shipped on the contract. The trailer may be released sooner at the discretion of the contracting
officer. The contractor shall service and maintain the trailer during this period in accordance with
applicable documents for care and preservation while in storage. Final approval and acceptance. Final approval and acceptance by the Government
of the first production trailer shall be withheld until the initial production inspection has been
completed and a final determination has been made regarding conformity of the trailer to
contractual requirements including, but not limited to workmanship and materials. Reliability verification. To determine conformance to 3.2.1, a minimum acceptable
value (MAV) of 8,000 miles shall be demonstrated during IPI specified in A point
estimate MAV will be computed using the cumulative test mileage of all trailers divided by the
cumulative number of chargeable failures of all trailers. Maintainability. To determine conformance to 3.2.2, the requirements shall be
verified during IPI. The test trailer shall meet specified scheduled and unscheduled maintenance
man-hours at required maintenance intervals. Maintainability failures. Failure of the trailer to meet any of the maintainability
requirements specified as a result of IPI shall be cause for rejection of the trailer. The
Government shall refuse to continue acceptance of the production trailers until all maintainability
requirements on trailers accepted prior to completion of IPI are accomplished at no cost to the
Government. Failure. Deficiencies of test trailers resulting from workmanship or materials found
during (or caused by) the IPI, shall be cause for rejection of the trailers until evidence has been
provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken. Any deficiency found as a result
of IPI, shall be evidence that all trailers accepted prior to completion of IPI are similarly deficient
unless evidence satisfactory to the contracting officer is furnished by the contractor that they are
not similarly deficient. Such deficiencies shall be corrected on all trailers by the contractor at no
additional cost to the Government.
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