| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR)
removal of the bolt carrier key assembly. The cam pin shall be
capable of being disassembled from the bolt and bolt carrier
assembly and when reassembled 180 about its vertical axis from
its original position without causing binding in the assembly.
3.4 Performance characteristics
The head space shall not be less than 1.4646
3.4.1 Headspace.
inches nor more than 1.4706 inches when measured to the 0.330 inch
datum diameter on the first shoulder of the chamber. Testing shall
be as specified in Table III.
3.4.2 Trigger pull. The trigger pull shall be free of creep
and shall be within the range of 19 - 25 pounds. Creep shall be
interpreted to mean any perceptible rough movement between the time
the trigger slack is taken up and the bolt is released. After
partial or completed trigger pull, the trigger shall return to its
normal forward position (cocked and uncocked) under spring action.
Testing shall be as specified in, Table III.
3.4.3 Hiqh pressure resistance. Each barrel assembly and bolt
shall withstand the firing of one Government standard M197, 5.56mm
high-pressure test cartridge conforming to MIL-C-46936. After proof
firing, parts shall be free of cracks, seams, and other injurious
defects as evidenced by visual and magnetic particle inspection.
Testing shall be as specified in, Table III.
3.4.4 Functioning.
Each submachine gun shall operate without
malfunctions or unserviceable parts. The cyclic rate of fire for a
30 round continuous burst using a 30 round magazine shall be within
1000 and 1250 rounds per minute when firing Government standard M196,
5.56 tracer cartridges conforming to MIL-C-60111. Testing shall be
as specified in, Table III.
3.4.5 Targeting and accuracy. Each submachinegun shall be
tested for accuracy at a distance of 100 yards, a 10 shot group shall
yield an extreme spread not in excess of Twenty (20) inches. M196
5.56 Tracer ammunition shall be used.
3.4.6 Endurance.
Submachineguns shall be capable of
withstanding the firing of 10,200 rounds for endurance with not less
than 2000 Mean Rounds Between Stoppages (MRBS) and not less than
4500 Mean Rounds Between Failure (MRBF). In addition, the number of
malfunctions and unserviceable parts for both single submachineguns
and four submachineguns combined shall not exceed those indicated as
in Table I. M196 5.56 Tracer ammunition shall be used. The cyclic
rate of fire shall not exceed 1380 rounds per minute (for endurance
testing only). Testing shall be as specified in, Table IV.
For malfunctions and unserviceable parts permitted - see Table I.
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