| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR)
Failure of one weapon in the sample of thirty-two to meet the
requirements shall cause a second sample to be tested from the same
lot. The second sample shall consist of thirty-two weapons,
exclusive of the first thirty-two (cumulative, sixty-four weapons).
Failure of two or more weapons in the first sample or the combined
first and second sample shall be cause for rejection of the
represented lot.
Thirty round magazines selected for the endurance test shall
be visually and manually inspected by the contractor for workmanship
and completeness of assembly and determined to be satisfactory prior
to test. Component parts and concurrent repair parts testing
Raw material testing, part testing, and certification shall be in
accordance with the criteria specified in the contract (see 6.1).
This will include chemical analysis and Physical tests of materials,
and tests of protective finish,- heat treatment, and function of
parts as applicable. The contractor shall accomplish these tests
prior to assembly of component parts into the end item and
acceptance as concurrent repair parts. Packaging testing. Submachineguns. Statement of packaging materials conformance. The.
contractor shall have available for review by the Government
representative a statement of findings that the packaging materials
conform to the applicable Packaging Data Sheets and specifications. Determination of cleanliness testing. - The
contractor shall test items from each Inspection lot for
determination of cleanliness using the test method specified in Sampling shall be in accordance with MIL-P-116.
4.6 Inspection equipment. - Unless otherwise specified (see
5.1), responsibiities
for acquisition, maintenance, and disposition
of measuring and testing equipment and for all other inspection
equipment required to perform inspection prescribed herein and by
other applicable specifications, shall be in accordance with
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