| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR) Retest. Corrected weapons shall be retested by
firing a ten round complement at each of two targets. The targets
shall be checked to determine that both targets meet the targeting
and accuracy requirements. The rate of fire will be at the
contractor's option. Retest failure. If the retested weapon fails to meet
the requirements for both targets, the weapon shall be rejected. If
the weapon fails to meet only the accuracy requirements for one of
the two targets, a ten round complement shall be fired at a third
target. The targets shall be checked to determine that the average
of the extreme spreads for the three targets meets the accuracy
requirements. Second retest. Weapons failing the retest shall
again be corrected by the contractor and the corrective action
recorded. The weapons shall then be retested by firing a ten round
complement at each of three targets. The targets shall be checked
to determine that the average of the extreme spreads for three
targets meets the accuracy requirements. If the retested weapon
fails to meet the requirements for third target, the weapon shall be
4.7.7 Interchangeability test Inplant Submachineguns. The interchangeability test shall be
performed during inspection lot testing in accordance with Table
IV. Weapons shall be tested for interchange of parts by disassembly
and reassembly of parts using parts from a prearranged system
specified below. Interchange of parts shall be accomplished by
dividing the parts of each weapon into 10 groups of nonmating parts
as shown below and distributing the groups into 10 different trays
until each tray contains a complete weapon.1 Groups of parts from
weapon number 1 shall be taken in order and placed in tray 1 through
10; groups of parts from weapon number 2 shall be taken in order and
placed in trays 2 through 10 to 1; groups of parts from weapon
number 3 shall be taken in order and placed in trays 3 through 10 to
2, etc. The weapons shall be reassembled using only those parts
which are in the same tray. The reassembled weapons shall be tested
for headspace, firing pin protrusion, trigger pull, function firing
( including cyclic rate of fire), and accuracy tests specified in
test methods 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.5, and 4.7.6 respectively.
Disposition of interchangeability weapons shall be as specified in
the contract (see 6.1).
* 1.
When 7 weapons are interchanged for First Article, the
following groups shall be combined so that there is a total of 7
VI and VII, VIII and IX, IV and X.
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