| ![]() MIL-S-63383(AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the First Article and
Quality Conformance Inspection Tables and below. Aft ejection charge assembly. One hundred and twenty
five (125) samples shall be randomly selected from each lot and
tested as follows at the specified temperatures.
The lot shall be rejected if the total of rejects from all
temperatures exceeds the following requirements: Stake push off test. A "Push off test" shall be
performed on the front and rear housing closures after being staked
to the housing, to check for integrity of staking. The test shall
be performed on two samples each, prior to the start of each shift,
and then performed on one sample each, after every two hours
production and at the end of the shift, until three consecutive
shifts have been accepted. Thereafter, the test may be performed on
one sample each, prior to the start of each shift, and one sample
each after four hours production and at the end of the shift.
Failure of a test sample at any time will cause the test to revert
to the initial test conditions until three consecutive shifts have
been accepted.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required
to perform the examinations and tests prescribed herein is
identified in the tables beginning with paragraph The
contractor shall submit inspection equipment designs for approval,
in accordance with the terms of the contract. See Section 6 of
MIL-A-48078, and Section 6.3 herein.
4.5 Test methods and procedures
4.5.1 Non-Arming of safe and arming subassembly. The
subassembly shall be tested for the specified non-arming
requirements using the following parts as a minimum for the sample.
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