| ![]() MIL-S-63383(AR)
not exceed the no fire condition of detonators across the eyelets. This
test must be performed after the device passes the conditions specified
Any assembly failing to comply with the specified resistance
requirements shall be classed defective. (Non-destructive test.)
4.5.6 In-line explosive functioning Explosive train. The armed safe and arming device shall be
(To accomplish the test below
tested in an explosion proof test chamber.
the soldered short on the flexible cable must be removed.) An eighty
three (83) microfarad plus or minus five percent ( 5%) capacitor charged
to five plus or minus one tenth (5.0 0.1) volts direct current shall be
applied to the cable inputs which will cause the assembly to explosively
function. A visual examination shall be made of the assembly to
ascertain if all components have also functioned. Any sample failing to
comply with all of the specified test requirements shall be classed
(Destructive test)
The explosive train performance test may be performed on
assemblies consisting of all explosive elements, housing,
slider assemblies, slider locks and staked shield assembly
assembled in the unarmed condition, and then armed
remotely. The contractor shall describe the proposed
method of remote arming (see para. 4.4.4). All explosive
elements and metal parts shall be a representative sample
drawn from each lot of parts that will constitute one lot
of safe and arming assemblies (i.e.; complying with the
lotting provisions of 4.4.1). Aft election charge assembly. The aft ejection charge
testing shall be performed in an approved chamber, as per figures 1 thru
6 for the required functioning and dent criteria. The test plate shall
be in accordance with the requirements shown in the specification
drawing, figure 4. Initiation of the aft ejection charge assembly shall
be performed in an approved manner using a M100 electric detonator (Ref
MIL-D-48120) or equivalent.
Any aft ejection charge assembly failing to comply with all of the
specified requirements shall be classed defective. (Destructive test).
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