| ![]() MIL-S-70442 (AR)
(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and
publications required by manufacturers in connection with specific
acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting
activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)
2.1.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between
the text of this specification and the reference cited herein, the
text of this specification shall take precedence.
2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of
this specification to the extent specified herein:
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
ASTM - D3951 - Standard Practice for Commercial packaging.
3.1 Materials. Materials shall be in accordance with the
applicable drawings, specifications, and standards.
3.2 Parts. All parts shall comply with applicable drawings,
specifications, and standards.
3.3 Head Up Display Subsystem (HUDS). The HUDS shall comply
with all requirements specified on Drawing (Dwg) 11780000, all
associated drawings, and with all requirements specified in
applicable specifications and standards. The HUDS covered by this
specification shall be configured for use on the AH-lS series
helicopters. The HUDS shall provide a visual presentation of flight
and fire control data to the pilot during day and night missions.
The data shall appear on the Head Up Display (HUD). The HUD shall
provide weapon aiming in hover and forward flight and shall enable
the pilot to align the helicopter for launching TOW missiles and to
fly at low altitudes without scanning the instrument panel for
critical flight information.
Major components of the HUDS are
3.3.1 Major components list.
as follows:
Head Up Display
Signal Processor
Mount, HUD Boresightable
3.4 Characteristics.
3.4.1 Electrical.
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