| ![]() MIL-S-70442 (AR) Data and s ymbol characteristics. SMR characteristics. The SMR shown in Figure 5 shall
provide a boresight check and auxillary sighting symbol for the
central portion of the pilot's field of view. Boresiqht reference symbol. The boresight reference
symbol (see Figure 6) will serve as the ADL reference symbol during
flight. Numeric data.
The following data shall be presented
in numeric form on the HUD (see Figure 7). When either the center
of the fire control reticle or the-center of the gunner's LOS Cueing
reticle is positioned within the limits around the numeric data (see
Figure 7), the corresponding numeric data shall be blanked.
a. Range. A four digit number, with last digit always a zero,
and a source indicator: L for raw laser, F for FCC smoothed range.
Engine torque.
three digit number followed by a percent
Magnetic heading. A three digit number followed by a degree
Antecedent zeros shall be displayed.
d. Radar altitude. A four digit number, displaying radar
altitude in Increments of 5 feet. This number shall also have an
upper and lower "limit exceeded" indicator over and under the
displayed number, respectively (see Figure 4). When the radar
altitude input data exceeds 1499 feet, the numerics shall be blanked
and not unblanked until the input data drops below 1475 feet. Fire Control reticle. The fire control reticle shall
be configured as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The reticle shall also
be variable in azimuth and/or elevation to any location within the
field-of-view limits shown in Figure 3. A caution symbol (see
Figure 8) shall be overlayed on the reticle when limit is reached.
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