| ![]() MIL-S-70685 (AR)
4.4.1 Inspection eqipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed herein
is described in the Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method column
in Tables I and II. The contractor shall submit for approval
inspection equipment designs in accordance with the terms of the
4.5 Methods of inspection.Unless otherwise specified for
individual tests, the slip ring assembly shall be subjected to
test under the following conditions:
150C to 35C (59F to 95F)
Relative Humidity
45% to 90%
Atmospheric Pressure
650 MMHG to 800 MMHG
The tests may be performed in any sequence.
4.5.1 Examination of product. The slip ring assembly shall
be inspected to verify compliance with MIL-STD-454, requirement
9 and dwg. 8437092.
4.5.2 Breadaway torque. With the slip ring assembly
mounted in an upright position and supported by the mounting
base, the tangential force required to initiate movement,
applied at a known distance from distance from center, shall be
measured. The product of the distance to center of rotation in
inches and the applied force shall not exceed 30 in-lbs.
4.5.3 Noise. The slip ring assembly shall be mounted in a
suitable rotating fixture and the brush leads shorted together.
With the shaft rotating at 20RPM and a test current of 50
milliamperes the noise voltage measured across two brush leads
shall not exceed 400 microvolt peak to peak.
4.5.4 Dielectric strength. A test potential of 500V DC
shall be applied between each circuit and all the circuits and
case ground. There shall be no evidence of arcing or breakdown.
4.5.5 Insulation resistance. Insulation resistance shall
be tested between each circuit and all others and case ground.
At a test voltage of 250V DC, the insulation resistance shall
be not less than 50 megohms.
4.5.6 Circuit resistance. The circuits shall be tested for
resistance between corresponding terminals on the rotor and
stator connectors. The measured resistance shall not exceed the
Signal circuits:
110 milliohms
Power circuits:
5 miilionms
RF circuits
50 milliohms
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