| ![]() MIL-S-70745 (AR)
4.4.3 Testing. The tests listed in shall be
performed on Inspection lots as defined in 4.4.1. The sampling
plans for testing shall conform to the provisions of 4.4.2.b above.
Inspection equipment. Requirements for inspection
equipment to perform, examinations and tests are specifed herein.
(See 6.3).
4.4.5 Methods of inspection. Hardness. Hardness testing shall be conducted in
accordance with ASTM method E18. Observation shall be made for
compliance with 3.6.
The test shall be conducted in Corrosion resistance.
Observation shall be made for
accordance with ASTM-B117 and 3.8.
Parts so tested shall
compliance with the requirements of 3.8.
not be returned to the lot.
Place a dummy cartridge (M848) or Snap-in assembly.
approved alternate on top of the strip so that it is in a normal
assembly position. Apply a gradual force (without impact loading)
to the cartridge until assembly with the strip is completed.
Observation shall be made for compliance with the requirements of
See figure 1.
3040 Repeat the above procedure for all samples. Push-out (nose). A strip loaded with dummy
cartridges (M848) or approved alternates shall be assembled into
the test fixture (see figure 2). A gradual force (without impact
loading) shall then be applied to the cartridge until the nose end
Observation shall be
has completely separated from the strip.
made for compliance with the requirements of 3.5. Repeat the
above procedure for all samples disregarding the position of the
sample strips.
Strips shall be tested by assembling Function test.
the M848 Dummy 30mm Cartridges into strips and feeding the strips
through an AH64 Uploader\Downloader system. The test shall be
conducted at ambient temperature.
The inspection equipment Inspection equipment.
required to perform the examinations and test prescribed herein
is-described-in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method"
column in tables starting with Paragraph The contractor
shall "submit for approval inspection equipment designs in
accordance with terms of the contract
(see 6.3.3).
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