| MIL-S-7886B
shall conform to figure 1 or 2, as applicable.
MIL-E-25111 -- E n g i n e s , A i r c r a f t ,
Spark plugs shall be so designed that clean-
ing can be accomplished without disassembly,
Qualification Tests
using conventional types of aircraft spark
plug cleaners, methods, and practices, and
that resetting of the gaps can be accom-
plished with a gap-setting tool acceptable to
the procuring activity. Spark plugs shall be
MIL-STD-10 -- Surface Roughness,
so constructed as to withstand the normal
Waviness, and Lay.
strains, jars, vibrations, and such other con-
ditions as are incident to shipping, storage,
MIL-STD-129 -- Marking for Shipment
i n s t a l l a t i o n , and service usage without
and Storage.
MIL-STD-414 -- Sampling Procedures
and Tables for In-
3.4.1 Spark gap. Only one nominal gap
spection by Vari-
setting with specified limits shall be per-
a b l e s for Percent
mitted for each part number.
3.4.2 Gasket. Each spark plug shall be fur-
nished with a gasket in accordance with
Standard AN4027.
-- Gasket - Spark Plug.
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and
3.5 Performance. Spark plugs shall operate
publications required by contractors in connection
satisfactorily when subj ected to the perfor-
with specific procurement functions should be ob-
ance tests specified in 4.7 and 4.8.
tained from the procuring activity or as directed
by the contracting officer.)
3.6 Identification of product. The following
information shall be permanently and legibly
marked on the exterior surface of each spark
3.1 Detail requirements for application.
Detail requirements applicable to spark plugs
M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s name or trademark,
for part icular Airframe-engine combinations
d a t e of manufacture (month and
shall be as specified in the detail specifica-
year) , spark plug part, number, and
tions listed in Supplement 1 to this specifi-
latest change letter.
cation. In the event of any conflict between
requirements of this specification and the
3.7 Workmanship and finish. Spark plugs
detail specifications, the latter shall govern.
shall be clean and free from dirt and metal
chips or other foreign matter, both external-
3.2 Qualification. Spark plugs furnished
ly and internally. There shall be no loose
under this specification shall be a product
parts, imperfect weldments, burrs, sharp
which has been tested and has passed the
edges, dents, cracks, or other defects or ir-
qualification tests specified in 4.3, and has
been listed on or approved for listing on the
applicable Qualified Products List (see 6.3).
4.1 Inspection responsibility. The supplier
3.3 Materials. Materials shall be suitable
is responsible for the performance of all in-
for the purpose intended.
pection requirements as specified herein, Ex-
cept as otherwise specified, the supplier may
3.4 Design and construction. Spark plugs
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