| ![]() MIL-S-7886B
sion preventive compound conforming to
be maintained within limits of -1-3, O per-
cent of the minimum guaranteed values
Specification MIL-C-6529, type II, shall be
specified in the engine model specification
applied to the threaded portion of the plug
for the corresponding powers and speeds.
if the threaded surfaces are unplated.
Where lead content or fuel-air ratios de-
5.1.2 Unit packaging.
viate from specified values, a record shall be
maintained of the actual test conditions. Levels A, B, and C. Each plug shall
After the ground endurance test, the aver-
be individually packaged in a semirigid
age increase in the gap between electrodes
shall be determined at room temperature.
polyethylene tube having a thickness of
0.005 inch with end closures heat
Performance of the test spark plugs shall be
sealed. The material for the polyethylene
comparable to that of the approved spark
containers shall be in accordance with Spec-
plugs, where applicable. Upon completion of
ification MIL-P-3803.
ground endurance testing, the spark plugs
shall be subjected to the following tests:
5.1.3 Intermediate packaging. Fifty each
Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4.7.2)
spark plugs packaged as specified in 5. 1.2.1
Gas leakage (post-test spark
shall be further packaged in intermediate
plug values applicable) . . . . . . . . . . (4.7.3)
containers conforming to Specification PPP-
Dielectric strength
B-636, PPP-B-665 or PPP-C-96. Suitable
Failure of the spark plugs to satisfactorily
cushioning material shall be provided to
pass the above tests shall be cause for re-
prevent free movement of the unit pack-
4.7.8 Resistance to fouling. Fouling-resis-
5.2 Packing.
tant characteristics of the sparkplugs shall
5.2.1 Levels A, B, and C. The levels o f
be determined by making comparative tests
with spark plugs of an approved design in
packing shall be in accordance with Speci-
an aircraft engine under conditions con-
fication MIL-P-7936 and the level or levels
ducive to fouling. The fouling characteris-
required will be specified in the invitation
tics of the test spark plugs shall be com-
for bid, contract, or procurement descrip-
where applicable
5.3 Marking and labeling. Use of labels for
4.8 Engine-airframe flight tests. Engine-
marking intermediate containers is accep-
airframe flight tests shall be as specified in
table when applied in accordance with
the applicable detail specification.
Standard MIL-STD-129,
5.3.1 Unit packages. Each unit package
shall be durably and legibly marked with
5.1 Preservation and packaging.
the following information, either around the
circumference of the container or within the
container, if visible, in such a manner that
5.1.1 Preservation. Each spark plug shall
the markings will not become damaged when
be cleaned in accordance with any applicable
any of the containers are opened:
method of Specification MIL-P-116. Corro-
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