| MIL-S-7886B
Notice. When Government drawings, specifications,
(USAF) dated 22 April 1957, MIL-P-7886
or other data are used for any purpose other than in
dated 19 March 1952, MIL-S-8829 (Aer)
connection with a definitely related Government pro-
dated 19 May 1959 and Standards MS24471
curement operation, the United States Government
dated 18 June 1957, MS24472 dated 15 Au-
thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
gust 1958, MS24473 dated 15 August 1958,
whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may
have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied
MS33508 dated 28 March 1952, AND102O6
the said drawings, specifications, or other data is
dated 28 March 1952, AND10217 dated 30
not to be regarded by Implication or otherwise as
January 1945, and AND10219 dated 30
in any manner licensing the holder or any other
January 1945.
person or corporation, or conveying any rights or
permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented
invention that may in any way be related thereto.
6.5 Detail specification. The detail specifi-
cation should specify the performance re-
Preparing activity:
liability requirements and test procedures
Arm y-TC
for the detail engine-airframe flight tests
(see 4.8).
Air Force-SAA
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