| ![]() MIL-S-81054A(OS) Inclusion rating. Sampling for inclusion rating shall be in
accordance with ASTM E 45, method A. Hardenability. One or more samples for the end-quench harden-
ability tests shall be selected and tested from each heat of steel repre-
sented in a shipment. Tensile specimens. Three or more tensile test specimens,
from the same heat, physical condition, and size as the material that is
submitted for acceptances shall be selected from each processing condition
of forgings. When forgings are made in multiple from a single forging,
that is, forged in one piece and cut apart during machining, tests on
samples from the larger forging shall apply to the individual units. Selection of tensile specimens. Whenever practicable, the
samples for tensile test specimens shall be taken from the material in
a section where the least reduction takes place, When this is not
practicable because of the size or shape of the forging or because of the
excessive cost of destroying a component part, test specimens shall be
taken from full-size prolongation of the material in the direction of
the maximum reduction. When neither of the above methods is possible,
a separate test coupon may be prepared from the same billet or bloom
as the forging or bar it represents. The percentage reduction given
this coupon shall be l ot greater than the minimum amount of reduction
given the forging.
4.3.2 Acceptance inspection samples. The quantity and type of samples
for acceptance inspection shall be the same as the preproduction samples
4.4 Test methods. The test methods specified in table V shall be
used to determine that the material meets the requirements of this
4.4.1 Chemical composition. Chemical analysis shall be accomplished
in accordance with FED-STD-151 by wet chemical, spectrochemical, or other
approved analytic methods, In the event of dispute, analysis shall be
by wet chemical methods except for carbon which shall be by the combustion
method, The chemical composition shall conform to the requirements of
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