| ![]() MIL-S-31245(WP)
5.3 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by
the contract or order, shipping containers shall be marked in accordance
with Standard MIL-STD-129.
6.1 Intednded use. The shield is designed for clip-on installation
onto 20mm, MARK 100 series electric primed ammunition, belted in MARK 2
links. Ten shields are assembled in each holder and are simultaneously
installed, directly from the holder by the hand operated primer shield
installation device, onto the after ends of the link-round asseniblies in the
belt of ammunition. Holders are discarded after the shields are installed.
The shield serves as a protective cmer for the exposed electric primer
during handling, magazine loading, etc. or as the round travels through its
chuting to the gun. By completely covering the primer, the shield prevents
it from contacting any surface which is irradiated by radio-frequency
electromagnetic fields, and thereby prevents accidental ignition. The
rounds of ammunition are stripped from their links by the feed mechanism
and chambered while the link-shield assemblies continue through the feed
mechanism and link ejection chute where they are expended.
6.2 Ordering data.Procurement documents should specify the
(a) Title, number and date of this specification.
(b) Size of preproduction lot if different from 4.4.1.
(c) Facility designated to evaluate the preproduction lot.
(d) Flight testrequirement of the preproduction lot (See
(e) Goverment-furnished property (See 3.8).
(f) Government-loaned property (See 3 .9).
(g) Lot size if different from 4.3.
(h) Facility designated to evaluate the production lots.
(i) Flight test requirements of the production lot
(j) Procedure for resubmittal of rejected lots.
(k) Preservation, packaging and packing levels.
(l) Special marking of shipping containers if required.
(m) Data (see 3.12).
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