| MIL-S-82529(OS) Minor. The switch shall withstand two shocks of 1200g peak
magnitude 90 degrees apart and perpendicular to the major shock axis. The
shock shall have a pulse shape approximating a one-half sine wave having a dura-
tion of 1 millisecond. Thereafter the switch shall meet the performance and
product characteristics of this specification except for the functional requirement
of 3.3.3.
3.4.4 Acceleration. The switch shall withstand an acceleration of 25g for
4 seconds applied in the direction shown in Figure 1. The switch circuits shall
remain closed during acceleration and thereafter the switch shall meet the per-
formance and product characteristics of this specification.
3.4.5 Current capacity. The three independent circuits of the switch shall
be capable of carrying a continuous direct current of 1 ampere between the two
White leads and 15 ampress between the Brown lead and Orange lead, and between
the Blue lead and Green lead.
3.5 Work manship The workmanship and finish shall be of sufficiently
high grade to aussure satisfactory operation consistent with the requirements of
this specification All parts used in the assembly shall be thoroughly clean and
free of exeess materials chips, and loose or splattered foreign materials. The
standards of workmanship exhibited in any approved preproduction sample, sub-
ject to any qualification stated in the Government's notice of approval, shall be
determinative of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship inso-
far as not specifically covered by applicable specifications.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or purchase order the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspec-
tion requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the suppli -
er may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the
Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections
set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to as -
sure' supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.2 Classification of inspection. Inspection of the switch shall be classi -
fied as follows:
a Preproduction and periodic production inspection (See 4.5. )
b. Quitlity conformance inspection. (See 4.6. )
4.3 Sampling. (See 6.2. 1.)
4. 3.1 Lot size. The term "lot" shall mean "inspection lot", that is a
collection of product submitted by a supplier for inspection. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or order the number of product in each lot shall be three
hundred (300).
4.3.2 Preproduction sample. A preproduction sample of ten (10) switches,
manufactured in accordance with 3.2, shall be subjected to the preproduction tests
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