| MIL-S-82529(OS)
b. Vibration testing
Control frequency from 20 cps to 2000
cps while subjecting a test item to O. 10-
inch double amplitude or 10g accelera-
tion, whichever 1s less; maitain direc-
tion of vibration along specified axes.
c, Shock, equipment,
Apply shocks of 40 plus or minus 4g; a
one-half sine wave pulse shape having
a time duration of 5 plus 3 minus O
milliseconds; maintain direct ion along
specified axes.
d. Shock equipment,
Apply shocks of up to 2400g plus or
minus 10 percent; a one-half sine wave
pulse shape of 1 plus or minus 0.25
millisecond time duration; maintain
direction along specified axes.
e. Centrifuge
O to 27. 5g; maintain acceleration at 25
plus 2.5 minus Og,
f, DC power supply
Regulate direct current at 15 PIUS O
current regulated
minus 2 amperes, and 1 plus 0.0
m lnus O. 1 ampere through test item
load (O. 10 ohm maximum).
0 to 1,5 volts, and O to 0.5 volt DC;
g. Voltmeter
accuracy plus or minus 3 percent
4.5 PreProduction and pe riodic production inspections. The preproduction
and periodic production samples shall be subjected to the tests specified in 4,5.1
after satisfactorily passing the quality conformance inspections of,,, and 4.6.2,4.
4.5.1 Test procedure. Subject the switch to the test sequence listed in
Table I. Unless otherwise specified in the individual test paragraph, the quality
conformance inspection as specified in Table I shall be performed susbsequent
to environmental tests under test conditions specified in 4.6.1. Failure of the
switch to pass any one of these tests shall constitute a defective unit.
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