| MIL-S-82529 (OS)
Table II. Quality Conformance Tests and Exam inations and AQL (Continued)
Temperature, function
Attitude, after function
Visual examination
Preservation, packaging, packing
q **
q **
and marking
q *MI L-STD - 105
D Special
Inspection Level S-3; zero defects accepted
***one-hunred percent inspection; defect is cause for rejection of individual
4,6.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the switch shall
subjected to the quality conform ante inspection under the following conditions:
a. Temperature
Room ambient (65 to 95 degrees F)
b. Altitude
Normal ground atmospheric pressure
Room ambient up to 95 percent
c. Humidity (Relative)
4.6.2 Test procedure. The switch shall be subjected to the tests and
aminations as outlined herein. Unless otherwise specified, inability of the
switch to pass the tests and examinations shall constitute a failure.
4.6.2,1 Insulation resistance. Place the switch in a conditioning chamber
and maintain the temperature at 75 plus or minus 5 degrees F and the relative
humidity at 75 plus or minus 5 percent for a period of not less than 24 hours.
Remove the switch from the chamber and within 10 minutes measure the insula-
tion resistance between the mutually insulated points listed below. The applied
potential shall be 500 plus or minus 50 volts DC. The insulation resistance
shall not be less than 100 megohms. When this test is performed during or
subsequent to the environmental tests specified in 4.5.1, there shall be no
temperature or humidity conditioning other than that required by the individual
environmental test; the insulation resistance shall then be 20 megohms minimum.
The mutually insulated points are
a. Case
b. Each of the independent normally closed circuits
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