| MIL-S-83427 (USAF)
Twent y parachute drop tests shall be conducted at
Parachute drop,
various speeds using articulated dummies and BA-22 back style personnel Para-
chutes modified with actuator sensing systems and with the survival kit containers
packed to simulate operational use. `The speeds and altitudes of the drops shall
vary from zero knots at 2,000 feet altitude through 400 knots at 18,000 feet
altitude [parachute deployment 1 second after aircraft exit). The override
selector lever shall be in the upward position for automatic operation of the
survival kit container. The actuator shall operate the survival kit container
hardware and the survival kit container shall deploy on its dropline 4 seconds
[plus or minus 1 second) after parachute riser deployment. During the tests
there shall not be any damage to or decreased performance of the parachute or
survival kit container or damage to the dummy which can be attributed to the
actuator. Failure to meet the preceding conditions as specified shall be cause
for rejection.
4.6.10 Windblast. The survival kit container shall be placed in a simulated
ejection seat bucket and shall be attached to a personnel parachute harness being
worn by a 95th percentile anthropomorphic dummy. The survival kit container shall
be subjected to a windblast of 600 knots at sea level or equivalent. The wind
tunnel shall be equipped with a deflector and shutoff so that the rate of onset of
the windblast is not more than 0.12 second. Shutoff of the windblast shall start
immediately after the deflector is in an open position, Decay shall occur in not
less than 1 second. The lid shall not separate from the survival kit container,
The operating handle shall remain on the survival kit container. There shall
not be any visible deformation to the survival kit container. Upon completion
of the windblast test, the survival kit container shall be subjected to and pass
one test each as specified in and
Ejection seat survival kit container separation. windblast tests may
be conducted in conjunction with ejection seat survival kit container separation
tests at the maximum speed specified in MIL-STD-846. The survival kit container,
its parachute attaching hardware, and components shall withstand this windblast
without any damage or structural failure.
Magnetic interference. The survival kit container shall be placed
6 inches from the face of a pilot's standby compass conforming to MS17983 or
equivalent . The survival kit container shrill not deflect the compass more than
3 degrees.
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