| ![]() M1L-S-85018A(AS)
(8) Magnetic Variation Input and Control
(9) Hemisphere Selection Switch The Compass Compensator shall be a modular unit which shall be
mounted in the aircraft cockpit or on an avionics rack in a manner to permit
visibility and quick removal, The unit shall be of minimum size and weight. It
shall be completely interchangeable and shall not require any adjustment or
readjustment when one or more of the other system components are removed and
replaced in an aircraft installation.
3.5.1 System Parameters - The Second Order Attitude Reference System shall
be provided with the means of complying with the requirements stated herein. Erection Cycles -
3.5.1. 1.1 Normal Operation - Initial Erection - Fast erection in pitch and roll shall be
automatically sequenced following application of power as specified herein. The
vertical gyro spin axis shall assume a position within 1.0 degree of local
vertical within 1 minute under standard conditions and 1.5 minutes under extreme
service conditions after power is applied. The gyroscope rotors shall have been
at a standstill with spin axes in any random attitude at the time of power ap-
plication. Upon completion of initial erection, the system shall be operating
as specified in 3.4.1. When the erection control senses a null of less than 1.0
degree after the initialiation q u e n c e , normal erection shall begin
automatically. Final Erection - After completion of the initial or fast
cycles, application of low erection voltage shall cause erection of the gyro to
a position within .15 degree rms of vertical in 1.5 minutes or less at standard
conditions and within 2 minutes at extreme service conditions. Erection Rates - Normal Erection - The normal erection rate about the pitch and
roll axes shall be in accordance with Figure 2. Fast Erection -The fast erection rate about the pitch and roll
axes shall be a minimum of 15 degrees per minute when automatically or manually
initiated. The Controller shall provide means for external manual operation of
the fast erection circuits. Activation of the Controller fast erection switch
shall control the fast erection. Roll fast erection shall be prevented if the
system is in a turn rate cutoff function. Erection Control - First Order Fast Erection Command - A momentary pushbutton shall be
provided on the Controller. When depressed it will result in the pitch and roll
erection system reverting to the fast erection rate. If during this period the
roll and pitch errors approach within .5 degree of the vertical, the erection
shall immediately revert to normal erection. The amplifier monitor signal shall
indicate only a temporary invalid at any time the anplifier and system are in
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