| MIL-S-85510(AS)
Manufacturer's name or trade mark
Manufacturer's part no.
Manufacturer's serial no.
Contract or order no.
National stock no.
3.13.4 Warning marking. The following warning shall be stenciled in 1/2 inch
letters on the front of the seat back:
3.14 System safety. Maximum effectiveness and conservation of military re-
sources dictate a need for early identification, evaluation, and correction of
system hazards. A system safety program shall be established by the contractor in
accordance with MIL-STD-882 and implemented as directed by the acquiring activity.
The goal of the program shall be to insure that the optimum degree of freedom from
hazard is effectively designed into the seat system. Documentation in support of
the system safety program shall be prepared by the contractor and made available to
the acquiring activity in accordance with CDRL, DD Form 1423 (see 6.2.2). Data
shall consist of a system safety program plan and a system safety hazard analysis
3.15 Workmanship. The seat, including all parts, shall be constructed and
finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Particular attentio shall be given to
neatness and thoroughness of welding, riveting, machine-screw assemblies, painting,
freedom of parts from burrs and sharp edges, unraveled edges of cloth and straight-
ness of stitched seams.
3.16 Drawings. The contractor shall provide drawings in accordance with DOD-D-
1000 as stipulated by the CDRL, DD Form 1423 (see 6.2.2).
3.17 Contractor's specifications. The contractor's specifications shall be
available to the acquiring activity as stipulated by the CDRL, DD Form 1423 (see
6.2.2). In the event that changes in the specification are required after Gover-
nment approval, the contractor shall prepare documentation in the form of a "Notice
of Revision/Specification Change Notice" in accordance with CDRL, DD Form 1423 (see
3.18 Configuration management. The crashworthy helicopter cabin seat system
furnished in accordance with this specification shall be developed and produced
under a system of configuration management. In accordance with the CDRL, DD Form
1423 (see 6.2.2), the contractor shall prepare and make available to the acquiring
activity a configuration management plan which defines the contractor's techniques
of configuration management. In the event that engineering changes, deviations, and
waivers are proposed after establishment of the configuration identification, the
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