| ![]() MIL-S-9968C(IP)
3.4 Sizes and characteristics. The sizes and characteristics of the
components shall be constructed to meet the requirements for the type and size
required in the contract or order.
3.4.1 Type I runner/header beam components. Type I components shall be
manufactured in the 8-3/8 inch x 5-3/4 inch hat shaped cross-section design
identified in figure 1. The ends of the components shall be tapered in
accordance with the end detail shown in figure 1. Welding shall be in
accordance with 3.3.2. Each flange of the components shall be provided with
the number of 9/16 inch square holes specified in table I for the part number
required. The holes shall be longitudinally spaced on 2.333 inch centers
within a tolerance of +0.005 inch non-cumulative for each hole. Measurements
for extreme hole locations (ends of components) shall not exceed the
cumulative tolerance specified in table I. Holes in flanges shall be in line
with corresponding holes of opposite flanges within +0.015 inch.
3.4.2 Type II auxiliary tie bar components. Type II components shall be
manufactured in the 7-7/8 inch x 1-1/4 inch hat shaped cross-section design
identified in figure 2. Each flange of the components shall be provided with
the number of 9/16 inch elongated holes specified in table II for the part
number required. The holes shall be longitudinally spaced on 2.333 inch
centers within a tolerance of +0.005 inch non-cumulative for each hole.
Measurements for extreme hole locations (ends of components) shall not exceed
the cumulative tolerance specified in table Ii. Holes in flanges shall be in
line with holes of opposite flanges within + 0.015 inch.
3.4.3 Type III mounting p late components. Type III components shall be
manufactured in the 8-5/8 inch x 1-1/4 inch hat shaped cross-section design
identified in figure 3. The components shall be manufactured in either the 10
or 11-1/2 inch long models based on the part number required (see table XII).
3.5 Marking.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), each component shall
be marked in the English language. Characters shall be stamped, stencilled,
or painted with the information listed below. Characters shall be not less
than 1/4 inch in height. The captions listed may be shortened or abbreviated
provided the entry for each caption is clear as to its identity. Marking
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
Manufacturer's name or trademark,
Manufacturer's part number (if applicable).
Part number.
Nominal length (type I and II only).
3.5.1 Additional marking for type I component. When specified (see 6.2)
in addition to the information required in 3.5, each type I component shall be
stamped, stenciled or painted a red color in a conspicuous location on the
component using letters not less than 3/4 inch in height with the following
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