| ![]() MIL-T-12407X(AT) High speed gradeability. The vehicle, loaded to the required GVW, shall be
capable of ascending a continuous grade of 3.6 percent at 60 mph. Gradeability requirements
shall be met with the transmission in direct drive. Gradeability shall be verified with calculations
in accordance with SAE J688 (see 6.3). Calculations shall include an appropriate allowance for a
full air conditioning load. Low speed. Low speed shall be calculated with engine operating at not less than
35 percent of the recommended governed speed and shall provide not more than 9 mph.
3.3.2 Service brakes. The service brakes shall control and hold the vehicle, when loaded
to its required GVW, on a 30 percent grade. The service brakes shall stop the vehicle, loaded to
specified GVW, within the stopping distance requirements of Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulation 393.52, under all conditions of loading.
* Parking brakes. A hand or foot actuated parking brake shall be furnished in
addition to the service brakes. When a foot actuated parking brake is furnished, a hand lever shall
be furnished to release the parking brake. The vehicle parking brake shall be capable of holding
the vehicle with highway payload on a 35 percent slope.
3.4 Chassis components.
3.4.1 Engine. The engine furnished shall be the chassis manufacturer's standard or
optional engine for the commercial model truck which meets or exceeds the requirements of this
* Diesel engine. Unless otherwise specified (see, the vehicle shall be
equipped with a liquid cooled, compression ignition, two-stroke or four-stroke cycle diesel
engine, with not less than six cylinders. Engine net horsepower used in performance prediction
calculations shall be determined in accordance with SAE J1349. The engine shall demonstrate the
performance characteristic specified herein when using diesel fuel conforming to VV-F-800. In
addition, when specified (see 6.2), the engine shall operate satisfactorily on grade JP-4 and grade
JP-5 fuel conforming to MIL-T-5624 under emergency, short duration conditions and on grade
JP-8 fuel conforming to MIL-T-83133 under normal conditions. A power loss when operating on
JP-4, JP-5 or JP-8 is acceptable.
* Gasoline engine. When specified (see 6.2), the vehicle shall be equipped with a
liquid cooled, internal combustion, four-stroke cycle gasoline engine with not less than eight
cylinders. The engine furnished shall provide the required vehicle performance when operated on
unleaded fuel with a research octane rating of 91, at an engine speed of not more than the
manufacturer's recommended operating speed. The engine shall be capable of warranted
operation on unleaded fuel when used in accordance with the operator's manual. Engine net
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