| ![]() MIL-T-12407X(AT)
(see 6.2), a style I stretcher conforming to Ferno Washlington Number 11 or equivalent shall be
furnished. The stretcher shall be of the folding type with two castered wheels, two legs, and
straps for holding the patient in the stretcher. When specified (see 6.2) a style 2 cot conforming
to Ferno Washington model 30 All-Level or equivalent shall be furnished. The cot shall include
foot and head pull handles and a three-inch thick polyether mattress with vinyl coated nylon fabric
cover and straps for holding the patient in the cot. The mattress pad and cover and the stretcher
bottom shall be of fire-retardant material. Cots and stretchers shall conform to the nominal
dimensions in table II.
TABLE II. Stretcher, cot and litter.
Dimension in inches
Stretcher cot, or litter
Bed height
Style 1 - Ambulance stretcher
Style 2 - Ambulance wheeled
cot (elevating)
15 1/
Style 3 - Navy Stokes litter
(resting on floor)
23.5 00
Style 4 - Standard Army or NATO
2/ litter (with poles)
NOTE: 1/ Bed height of style 2 cot measured to top of positioned three-inch thick
2/ Dimensions of Army and NATO litters are in accordance with North Atlantic
Treaty Standardization Agreement (STANAG) No. 2040.
3.6.2 Stretcher and cot holders. A quick detachable and adjustable cot holder of the
one-piece plunger type, Ferno Washington model I or equivalent, operable with style 2 cot
(see 3.6.1) shall be installed on both walls. When a style I stretcher is specified (see 3.6.1), post
cups and wheel cups for holding the stretcher on the right-hand side of the floor shall be installed.
The cot and stretcher retention system shall conform to AMD standard 004.
3.6.3 Suspension hangers and brackets. A reinforced roof with four brackets and four
removable metal hangers for suspension of two style 4 litters shall be provided. Hooked ends of
hangers shall be plastic or rubber covered. Roof brackets shall be the spring loaded, retractable
type or shall be recessed. Wall brackets shall be furnished with four permanently attached hooks.
Hooked ends of the wall bracket and roof litter supports shall conform to The outer
edges of the support hooks shall be not more than 84 inches apart. The inside edges of the
attachment supports shall be not more than 77 inches and not less than 75 inches apart. Wall
brackets shall provide not less than a 1.750 inch space between the wall and litter pole, for hand
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