| ![]() MIL-T-12407X(AT)
4.3.4 Army litter 1oading. The contractor shall make available four standard Army litters
and one Navy Stokes type litter (see 3.6.1) and four individual 240-pound weights suitable for
placing on the litters. All possible combinations of loading and unloading, both with and without
fully loaded Army and Navy litters, shall be demonstrated successfully.
4.3.5 Water spray test. After the road test, the vehicle body shall be subjected to a water
spray test for approximately 15 minutes. The spray shall be delivered by nozzles operating at not
less than 25 pounds per square inch (psi) water pressure, sufficient in number and so placed
(approximately three feet from the body) to afford full coverage of the sides, roof, front, rear, and
undercarriage of the vehicle. Evidence of water leakage shall be cause for rejection until leaks are
4.3.6 Truck body treatment and painting. The certification regarding the body cleaning,
treating, prime painting and salt spray resistance testing, as required by MIL-STD-1223, shall be
made to Government representatives at the first production vehicle inspection.
4.3.7 Production sample. Upon acceptance of the first production vehicle, it shall
remain at the manufacturing facility as a production sample, and be the last vehicle shipped on the
contract. The contractor shall maintain the vehicle in a serviceable condition for the duration of
the contract.
4.3.8 Failure. Failure of the first production vehicle to meet requirements of the contract
shall be cause for the Government to refuse acceptance of all vehicles under contract until
corrective action has been taken.
4.4 Inspection of production vehicles. Each production vehicle shall be examined and
driven (less payload) for not less than 5 miles at speeds up to 50 mph to assure that the vehicle
will operate in accordance with the contractual requirements. Each production vehicle shall be
subjected to the water spray test specified in 4.3.5 after the road test. The contractor may
authorize the subcontractor who will perform the final assembly work on the vehicle to make such
examination and tests, but this shall not relieve the contractor of his obligation to deliver an
acceptable vehicle or constitute a waiver of any warranty provision. For each vehicle under
contract, the contractor shall make available to the Government, at the point of final acceptance,
records acceptable to the Government indicating that the servicing and adjusting required by 3.9
have been accomplished.
5.1 Vehicle processing. The vehicle shall be processed for shipment, from the
manufacturer's plant to the initial receiving activity, in accordance with the manufacturer's
standard commercial practice.
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