| MIL-T-18232B(AS)
TARGET. - Each aerial powered target shall be designed and
constructed to efficiently serve as the vehicle to accomplish
the mission of the target as specified. The design of the target shall be
coordinated and integrated to enable the required over-all target performance to
be accomplished with the highest practicable degree of effectiveness.
CHARACTERISTICS. - Characteristics of the target shall consist
of the target configuration, performance, weights, center of
graviy, locations, areas, dimensions and general data, and control surface movements.
TARGET CONFIGURATION. - Three-view drawings of the target
8 x 10-1/2 inches shall be inserted in the detail specification.
When applicable, separate drawings showing (1) target less JATO mediums and (2)
target with JATO mediums attached shall be furnished. The drawings shall be to
such scale that the three views can be clearly shown on a letter size page and
that the distinguishing characteristics of the design are readily recognized.
The following dimensions shall be indicated on the drawings: span of wings, over-
all length, and over-all height.
GUARENTEED PERFORMANCE. - Guaranteed performance at specified
gross weights shall be as specified by the detail specifica-
tion. Performance curves shall be included for airspeed, altitude and endurance
at gross weight and empty weight. External store performance curves shall also
be provided when applicable.
SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION. - Performance shall be based on
the specific fuel consumptions specified in the engine speci-
fication, with installation losses.
RADAR CROSS-SECTION. - Guaranteed radar cross-section, both
unaugmented and augmented shall be as specified in the detail
WEIGHTS. - Weights shall consist of gross weights, mission
loads, and weight empty. Guaranteed weight shall be as
GROSS WEIGHT. - The gross weight is the sum of the mission
load and the weight empty. Separate gross weights for the
launching condition and the normal flight condition shall be inserted where
MISSION LOAD. - Mission load shall consist of specified. com-
binations of fuel} oil, payload both internal and external,
and miscellaneous.
FUEL - Fuel shall be considered to be in categories as
follows (1) Internal, (2) External, and (3) Unusable.
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