| ![]() MIL-T-18232B(AS)
RELIABILITY. - Numerical. reliability and confidence levels of
the target system shall be specified following operational
aspects :
(1) Checkout reliability. - Checkout reliability means the
probability, numerically expressed, that any randomly
selected target will pass all prescribed checkouts required to prepare the
target for launching without necessity for repair or replacement of components.
Minor adjustments which may be required during these checkouts will riot be con-
sidered as deviations to this requirement. Targets which do not successfully
pass all prescribed checkouts prior to the first launching, due to established
defects in workmanship or material shall be reworked as necessary at contractor
expense in order to pass all prescribed checkout requirements.
(2) Flight reliability. - Flight reliability means the proba-
bility, numerically expressed, that any target randomly
selected from targets which have passed the ready storage checkout, shall operate
in the launch phase and free flight phase in accordance with the guaranteed
performance requirements
(3) Recovery reliability. - Recovery reliability means the proba-
bility, numerically expressed, that any target which has
operated in flight in accordance with the guaranteed performance requirements
shall be capable of operating successfully in the recovery phase, permitting
retrieval on land or at sea, and permitting reuse of the target within the
reliable operating life requirements and providing that proper decontamination
and maintenance procedures are observed by operating personnel.
(4) Destruct reliability.
- Destruct reliability shall mean the
probability, numerically expressed, that any target launched
shall be capable of satisfying the destruct requirements.
Interference control requirements for the target shall be in
accordance with MIL-E-6051. Contractor Furnished. Equipment (CFE) and Government
Furnished Equipment (GFE) electrical and electronic equipment insta1led in the
target shall meet the requirements of Specification MIL-I-6181.
target design shall be in accordance with MIL-P-24014 and free
from the effects of the Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation. Shore based or
shipboard requirements will be dependent upon the targets intended use.
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