| ![]() MIL-T-18232B(AS)
BALL AND SOCKET JOINTS. - Ball and socket joints shall not be
used in any main structural member or structural assembly,
except turbine engine attachment fittings.
FLUSH RIVETING. - Flush riveting shall be of the conventional
type involving driving of rivet without milling rivet head.
WELDING. - Welded joints shall be designed in accordance with
applicable welding specifications.
BRAZING. - Fusion welding operations in the vicinity of a
brazed joint or other operations involving high temperatures
which might deleteriously affect the joint are prohibited. Whenever possible,
brazed joints shall be designed for shear loading.
SOFT SOLDERING. - Soft soldering shall not be depended on for
any calculated strength. Restrictions on brazing specified
in also apply to soft soldered joints.
TOLERANCES (BUSHINGS AND BEARINGS). - Tolerances on bushings
or bearings to be pressed into aluminum alloy fitting parts
shall be such that the constant stresses in the fitting imposed by the seated
bushing shall not exceed 50 percent of the yield stress of the material. A
lubricant which till not accelerate corrosion shall be used to prevent galling
of the surface during the pressing operation.
TURNBUCKLE SAFETY WIRING. - Turnbuckles shall be safety-wired
in accordance with Drawing MS-33591.
CABLE ASSEMBLIES. - Control cables shall be stretched and
control cable assemblies shall be proof-loaded. Stretching
may be accomplished in conjunction with the proof loading of terminal cable
THREADS. - The use of pipe threads shall be kept to a minimum,
and if practicable should be avoided entirely in favor of
straight threads. The tapping of screw threads into fittings, lugs or other
special parts for use with-standard or special bolts or screws shall require
specific approval by the LGR in each case.
HOLES (RIVETS$ BOLTS, AND PINS). - Holes for structural rivets
(except Hi-Shear rivets), bolts, and pins may be punched or
drilled. Holes for close fitting bolts and Hi-Shear rivets shall be reamed. All
holes shall be clean-cut and shall show no evidence of deformation at the periphery.
Drilled holes shall not be near or in line with welds, notches, and reentrant
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