| MIL-T-18232B(AS)
DEPLOYMENT MECHANISM. - A parachute deployment mechanism com-
plete with all cables and plugs shall be provided to permit
deployment of the parachute at will by the control operator. The deployment
mechanism shall be interconnected with the engine in such manner as to permit
simultaneous stopping of the engine. The system shall also provide for automatic
deployment of the parachute at a specified time after loss of radio command carrier
or after parachute safety channel ceases to function. Engine stoppage alone shall
not cause deployment of the parachute.
LOCATION OF COMPONENTS. - Location of components, wing and
tail surfaces, etc. shall be such as to insure positive
deployment of the parachute and suspension cables without interference with my
part of the target during deployment of the parachute.
QUICK RELEASE DEVICE. - A quick release device shall be in-
stalled between the riser cable and the parachute shroud to
permit automatic disengaging of the parachute from the riser cable at the moment
the target has decelerated on contact with the ground or water.
FAIL-SAFE PROVISIONS. - A parachute fail-safe system shall be
incorporated to provide automatic parachute system jettison
in the event of an inadvertent deployment of the drogue or the drogue and main
parachutes. This fail-safe system shall not permit a parachute deployment shock
bad greater than 500 pounds to be transmitted through the target to the launcher
GROUND RECOVERY. - A suitable keel or shock absorbing system
shall be provided to minimize the effect of shock during
ground landingse
The keel Or system shall be readily detachable and replaceable.
WATER RECOVERY. - Target design shall provide for adequate
strength to absorb the shock from water landings.
SURFACE CONTROL SYSTEM. - Surface controls shall be designed
in accordance with Specification MIL-F-18372 as applicable.
The surface control mechanisms shall be actuated electrically hydraulically,
and/or pneumatically for lateral, longitudinal and directional stability, or as
specified in the detail specification. The controls shall include push-pull rods,
torque tubes, follow-up systems and cables between control surfaces, controls for
high lift devices and speed arresting devices, but shall not include the electronic
control mechanisms specified under electronic equipment.
DESCRIPTION. - The engine section or nacelle group includes
engine mount and fittings$ vibration isolators, nacelle
structure, cowling and cowl flaps.
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